
Art that transforms..

Julie Stewart is a versatile artist, excelling in drawing, painting, and sculpture. Her work is deeply influenced by spiritual and mythological themes, blending the mystical with the material to create evocative, thought-provoking pieces. She brings to life ancient stories and transcendent experiences through her art, with a unique sensitivity to symbolism and narrative.

Julie works across multiple mediums, including traditional drawing and painting as well as sculptural forms.

Her use of these mediums allows her to explore the depth and texture of spiritual and mythological subjects from both a visual and tactile perspective.

At the heart of Julie’s creations are explorations of spirituality and mythology. Her work delves into the human experience of the sacred, often portraying deities, mythical beings, and cosmic symbols. Her art offers a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the known and the mysterious

What's brewing


Flowering – Album
Portraits by Julie Stewart
101 Neters